Ghost shrimp tank mates

Ghost Shrimp Care Guide: Diet, Breeding and Tank Mates

The Ghost Shrimp, also famous as Glass Shrimp, belongs to the group of crustaceans. This freshwater ghost shrimp is quite popular among experienced or naïve aquarists. The ghost shrimp is affordable, easy to care for, and works as an efficient tank cleaner. They can only live up to one year. You can keep it in […]

The best fish puns

150+ Best Fish Puns Collection You Should Read and Share

You have landed in the right “Plaice (Oops! Place ;D).” Here, you will find the best and latest fish puns. If you, too, have some interesting or funny puns, you can tell us in the comment section below. The Best Fish Puns Here is the list of best fish puns, you will find everything in

Bristlenose Pleco - Bristlenose plecostomus

Bristlenose Pleco Care Sheet: Tank Requirements, Diet and Breeding

You can find Bristlenose Pleco in almost every aquarium, as they are hardy and smaller than the Common Pleco. Bristlenose Plecostomus (Ancistrus sp.) is also common because it keeps the tank clean by eating algae. There are many other names for Bristlenose Pleco. Some are Bushynose Catfish, Bristlenose Catfish, Brushmouth Pleco, and the Common Bristlenose

A freshwater pearl gourami fish

Top 15 Best Freshwater Fishes That Are Always Popular

It is no surprise, people prefer keeping fish as pets more than any other animal. According to a study by the American Pet Products Association, in 2024, over 9.0 million people in the US alone have freshwater fish as their pets. Also, check archived information about pet statistics on Many people consider them stress

Nerite snails - tiger snail

Nerite Snails Care Guide: Tank Setup, Tank Mates, Breeding, Etc.

Nerite snails are peaceful members of the aquarium cleaning crew. They make your tank look clean and shining because they are the best algae-eating snails. They will clean algae from every corner of your aquarium. These come in a variety of colors and patterns. They will add vividness and activity while moving around and cleaning

Betta fish tank mates

50 Betta Tank Mates That You Should Know

Betta is the most famous fish among aquarists. Its colorful appearance can add beauty to the dullest tanks. There are different types of Betta fish, each with various tail types that enhance their beauty. Most Betta fish are quite aggressive, so finding the right tank mates is difficult. They don’t always get along with other

Amano Shrimp

Amano Shrimp – A Care, Diet, Tank Setup, and Breeding Guide

The most popular shrimp, the Amano shrimp, is known for its efficient tank-cleaning ability. They have been gaining popularity among aquarists for the last 15 or more years. They are algae eaters, so they can clean your aquarium and maintain a healthy environment. They are quite hardy and peaceful, making them a great companion for

Otocinclus catfish - best algae eaters

The Best Algae Eaters to Clean Your Fish Tank

Algae are commonly found in all aquariums, but it is only good if they are in small quantities. A limited number of algae are actually healthy for the ecosystem of the aquarium. But too much of it indicates poor water conditions, which can affect the health of creatures living in it. The algae grow fast,

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