Java fern - Microsorum Pteropus

Java Fern Care Guide: Species, Planting, and Propagation

Java Fern, scientifically known as Microsorum Pteropus, is one of the popular aquarium plants. It adds beauty to the tank with its delicate look and unique shape. Aquarists commonly use it because of its slow growth. Java Fern is hardy and doesn’t need strict water conditions to thrive. It is easy to reproduce and care for and can […]

Celestial Pearl Danio - Galaxy Rasbora

Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora): Care, Diet, and Breeding, etc.

The Celestial Pearl Danio, a small and colorful fish, was discovered a few years ago, and since then, it has been on aquarists’ favorite list. They are native to Southeast Asia and live peacefully with other fish of the same size and temperament. Freshwater fish like Mollies, Guppies, and Neon Tetras are the best companions for Celestial Pearl Danio. They are

A freshwater oscar fish

The Oscar Fish Care Guide: Types, Tank Setup, Diet, and Breeding, etc.

Oscar fishes are beautiful with vivid patterns and, when they swim, look elegant. Their intimidating appearance can easily deceive anyone. But before you plan to buy a freshwater Oscar fish for your aquarium, it is important to know everything about them. Oscar (fish) hides aggression under their colorful skin. They are quite active and intelligent.

A freshwater Neon tetra fish

Neon Tetra Care Guide: Tank Setup, Diet, Diseases, and Breeding

The Neon Tetra fish is everything a beginner looks for before starting the fish keeping as a hobby. Neon Tetra (Neon fish), a native of South America, is a non-aggressive fish that needs minimal care. These small freshwater fish are colorful, and if you are planning to add them to your community fish tank, they

Molly fish - Mollies

Molly Fish Care, Types, Tank Setup, Food, Breeding, etc.

When we discuss freshwater fishes, then nobody forgets to enlist Molly fish. Mollyfish is the most common fish that I am sure everyone has seen once at some point. Mollies are easy to maintain and care for and are beautiful. Even a beginner can start a fish-keeping hobby with these non-aggressive fish. They are active and

Golden nugget pleco catfish Plecostomus

Plecostomus (Pelco) Care Guide: Species, Tank Setup, Tank Size, and Breeding

Plecostomus, the most popular freshwater catfish, belongs to the family of Loricariidae. Pleco fish has over 150 species, and the most in-demand species is Common Pleco. They can reach a length of 24 inches. They are also known as Placo catfish or Suckerfish. In this article, we will learn everything from how to care for

A freshwater guppy fish

Guppy Care Guide: Appearance, Compatibility, Tank Set up & Breeding

Guppies are peace-loving tropical freshwater fish. They are quite hardy and are perfect for both beginner and experienced aquarists. Guppies are small and inexpensive and add variety and color to your tank. Proper guppy care is required to keep them healthy and active. In this article, we will learn about guppy fish, including their appearance, compatibility,

Red African cichlid fish

African Cichlid Guide: Types, Tank Mates, Tank Size, Care, Etc.

African Cichlids are famous tropical fish. They are found in diverse colors and patterns, and their colorful appearances will make your aquarium look alive. However, only expert aquarists can maintain these beautiful fish. They are bigger and more aggressive than other fish like Guppy, Tetra, and Gourami, so beginner aquarists should start with only one

Types of betta fish

Different Types of Betta Fish or Siamese Fighting Fish

Betta fish is a common name among aquarists. Their varied colors and shapes quickly gain viewers’ attention, whether adults or children. Many types of Bettas are found in the wild and can be classified based on their patterns, colors, and tail shapes. These qualities make them famous among freshwater fish. They are ideal for both beginners and

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