
Pygmy Cory freshwater fish

Pygmy Cory Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know

If you want to set up a peaceful community aquarium, you shouldn’t avoid Pygmy Cory fish. These little fish belong to the Catfish family and make excellent pets for beginners. Pygmy fish are among the smallest fish in the aquarium community, and thus, they can quickly adapt to a small aquarium. They display some freakish […]

Mystery snail or Apple snail

Mystery Snail Care Guide: Tank Size, Tank Mates, Food, Breeding, etc.

Mystery snails are slow-moving and non-aggressive creatures that mainly feed on herbs, just like other gastropods. These qualities can make them a great addition to your tank. These low-maintenance snails clean the tank as efficiently as other species like Nerite snails. Even a beginner can have them in their aquarium to add variety and relax

Siamese Algae Eater

Siamese Algae Eater: Care, Tank Setup, Tank Mates, Diet, Breeding, etc.

Siamese Algae Eater is another breed of peace-loving freshwater fish. Most people look for a breed of non-aggressive fish to add to their community tank. Some fishes just add vividness with their colorful appearances, while others play a role in maintaining the tank. As the name suggests, the Siamese Algae Eater is a fish that

Java moss care

Java Moss Care Guide: Uses, Growth, Tank Requirements, etc.

Java Moss, a member of the Hypnacease family, is commonly found in moist tropical climates like that of Southeast Asia. They can be seen growing around river banks, tree trunks, and on the surface of rocks. Java Moss Aquarium is quite hardy and needs minimal lightning. They are the best plant for the breeding tank

Red cherry shrimp

Cherry Shrimp Care Guide: Grades, Tank Conditions, Tank Mates, Diet, and Breeding

Aquarists keep invertebrates, especially shrimps, for different purposes, and freshwater Cherry Shrimp is the most famous among them. These red cherry shrimp (Neocaridina shrimp) originated from Taiwan and are quite hardy, which makes them a popular choice among beginners. They are available in many shades of red, and their vibrant colors add attractiveness to the

Java fern - Microsorum Pteropus

Java Fern Care Guide: Species, Planting, and Propagation

Java Fern, scientifically known as Microsorum Pteropus, is one of the popular aquarium plants. It adds beauty to the tank with its delicate look and unique shape. Aquarists commonly use it because of its slow growth. Java Fern is hardy and doesn’t need strict water conditions to thrive. It is easy to reproduce and care for and can

Celestial Pearl Danio - Galaxy Rasbora

Celestial Pearl Danio (Galaxy Rasbora): Care, Diet, and Breeding, etc.

The Celestial Pearl Danio, a small and colorful fish, was discovered a few years ago, and since then, it has been on aquarists’ favorite list. They are native to Southeast Asia and live peacefully with other fish of the same size and temperament. Freshwater fish like Mollies, Guppies, and Neon Tetras are the best companions for Celestial Pearl Danio. They are

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