Non-Fish Tank Mates

Mystery snail or Apple snail

Mystery Snail Care Guide: Tank Size, Tank Mates, Food, Breeding, etc.

Mystery snails are slow-moving and non-aggressive creatures that mainly feed on herbs, just like other gastropods. These qualities can make them a great addition to your tank. These low-maintenance snails clean the tank as efficiently as other species like Nerite snails. Even a beginner can have them in their aquarium to add variety and relax […]

Nerite snails - tiger snail

Nerite Snails Care Guide: Tank Setup, Tank Mates, Breeding, Etc.

Nerite snails are peaceful members of the aquarium cleaning crew. They make your tank look clean and shining because they are the best algae-eating snails. They will clean algae from every corner of your aquarium. These come in a variety of colors and patterns. They will add vividness and activity while moving around and cleaning

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